- With regards to essential oils, tea tree oil may be one of the most flexible — assuming you scan the personal care path, you’ll find it in all that from foot creams to body wash. Yet, is tea tree oil good for hair?
Here and there, yes. Tea tree oil can help with issues like dandruff, scalp acne, and even head lice.
In any case, similarly as with most natural remedies, a portion of the cases around tea tree oil for hair are a little exaggerated, no doubt. While there are a number of tea tree oil uses for hair, it’s most certainly not a fix all — and in spite of what you might have heard, it’s anything but a fix for male pattern baldness.
Before you add this essential oil to your hair care routine, let’s discussion about the benefits of tea tree oil and how to use it to advance solid hair. We’ll likewise go over certain options on the off chance that you’d like some science-backed hair loss treatments.
What Is Tea Tree Oil?
Tea tree oil is an oil that comes from, well, tea trees, otherwise called the Melaleuca alternifolia plant.
Customarily used by the Aboriginal people of Australia, the antiseptic oil has become famous all over the planet. It’s presently usually used in skincare and hair products. You could have seen tea tree oil shampoos or used it as an essential oil.
Some research has found that tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. In dermatology, tea tree oil is used to deal with issues like acne, athlete’s foot, and skin contaminations. You could even find tea tree oil in mouthwash, since research shows it could help treat gum disease.
- It’s most certainly a flexible fixing — yet what does tea tree oil get done for hair? Let’s take a look.
Tea Tree Oil Uses for Hair
We’ll be obtuse: While you’ll find tea tree oil in shampoos, conditioners, and different hair treatments, the logical proof associating tea tree oil to hair and scalp wellbeing is somewhat restricted. A couple of studies have a few hopeful conclusions, however there’s still a ton we don’t have the foggiest idea with regards to what tea tree oil accomplishes for hair.
This is what we truly do realize about potential tea tree oil uses for hair (up until this point).
Dandruff is a fairly normal scalp condition portrayed by a flaky, dry scalp. For people with dandruff, finding the right scalp treatment to get rid of dandruff can be a major test.
In one older study, participants using shampoo containing 5 percent tea tree oil were assessed more than a one-month period. Compared to a placebo, those using the tea tree oil shampoo showed improvements in dandruff severity, itchy scalp, and greasiness.
Moreover, some research shows that tea tree oil can be somewhat compelling at diminishing seborrheic dermatitis, the type of skin inflammation that is generally responsible for dandruff.
Is this decisive proof that it’s the best treatment for dandruff? Not precisely. Be that as it may, it very well might merit an attempt assuming that you’re looking for a method for getting rid of flaking and itchiness.
Head Lice
You could find some tea tree oil shampoos that are explicitly produced for treating head lice. The investigations on tea tree oil for head lice are rare, yet they’re fairly promising.
One study found that tea tree oil can kill lice and reduce the number of nits (lice eggs) that seal. Another study found an item containing tea tree and lavender oil successfully treated lice in children.
Tea tree oil could likewise prevent head lice, which is normally exceptionally infectious. A study looked at one or two products for lice, including tea tree oil, lavender oil, and peppermint oil. The researchers reasoned that tea tree oil was profoundly powerful at treating lice, yet additionally at repulsing lice and accordingly preventing pervasions.
After so much finding out about lice, you could feel a few ghost tingles. In any case, the bottom line? Tea tree oil is by all accounts compelling at treating and preventing lice.
Hair Loss and Androgenic Alopecia
You might have heard that specific hair oils can be used to treat androgenic alopecia, likewise called male pattern baldness. For example, rosemary oil and castor oil are frequently said to stimulate hair growth. Yet, what about using tea tree oil for hair loss?
There’s tiny proof that tea tree oil is a successful treatment. Truth be told, one study found that tea tree oil could frame a piece of a successful hair loss treatment — yet not really all alone.
As indicated by the research, the profoundly powerful approved hair loss treatment minoxidil may be even more successful when joined with two things: diclofenac (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and tea tree oil. This combination treatment was found to be “significantly superior” to minoxidil alone and a placebo.
One issue with this study is that it’s little. So while the outcomes are promising, we’ll require more proof before we can without hesitation draw any conclusions about using tea tree oil for hair growth.
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